
Showing posts from May, 2007

Wisbar Advance Desktop

The application of Pocket PC so called Wisbar Advance really makes your favorite Pocket PC looks great. We can equalized this application with WindowBlinds or Style XP in Windows. WindowBlinds or Style XP is application that can beautify Windows display. Even if you applies Windows 2000 or Windows XP but its display can like Windows Vista, Windows newest version which will be launch by Microsoft next year.The display of Pocket PC also seemingly can be made more beautifully with help of Wisbar Advance where its trial version can be download in Lakeridge Software Site and its various skins can be download in their Forum. I apply Wisbar Advance for a half year and satisfying with its performance. Stable enough and doesn't drain battery power. Has just two weeks ago, I try applies Wisbar Advance Desktop (WAD) which offering more possibilities to beautify the today screen. Now I apply skin made by by u4c-media and modifies it a little (see pictures left). WAD enables us to make some vir...

Penyebab Sistem Komputer Lambat: Computer Can't Fast

System kerja komputer(computer) (PC) maupun noteboook dapat menurun secara drastis jika tidak memperhatikan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Komputer (PC) meskipun benda mati tapi harus tetap mendapatkan perhatian khusus agar kinerja selalu stabil. Apabila komputer diperlakukan tidak pada mestinya, jangan kaget jika tiba-tiba komputer mendadak mati atau tiba-tiba kerjanya sangat lambat . Ada beberapa faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi diantaranya: perlakuan terhadap komputer itu sendiri, pengaturan BIOS yang kurang maksimal, dan manajemen sistem operasi yang kurang teratur. Yang dimaksud dengan perlakuan komputer adalah: mematikan komputer tidak sesuai prosedur (shutdown), CPU tidak pernah dibersihkan, komputer sering dipindah-pindahkan tempatnya, dan hal-hal yang dapat merusak komputer. Sedangkan yang dimaksud BIOS adalah pengaturannya tidak semaksimal sehingga dapat mengganggu sistem operasi. Jika komputer tidak pernah di-manage secara benar dapat mengakibatkan kinerja sistem operasi akan l...

Persiapan Instalasi Mambo/Joomla: Open Source Mambo/Joomla

1. Prasyarat Utama Mambo/Joomla open source dapat berfungsi dengan baik jika didukung oleh program aplikasi lain seperti: Apache (sebagai web server), PHP (sebagai penterjemah kode), dan MySQL (sebagai database). Ketiga unsur tersebut wajib terpasang dalam komputer Anda jika ingin menjalankan Mambo/Joomla. Jadi, ketika Anda membuat situs secara offline (localhot) perlu sebuah server. Masing-masing aplikasi memiliki fungsi yang berbeda. Di sini tidak akan membahas tentang instalasi Apache, PHP, maupun MySQL. Silakan Anda menginstal komponen-komponen tersebut sendiri. Untuk mendownload Apache silakan kunjungi di httpd://, MysSQL di, dan PHP di Ada beberapa program yang dapat berfungsi sebagai server mini (sering disebut sebagai server kit) yaitu Uniform Server (Uniserver), PHP Triad, Dongkrak (karya anak bangsa), AppServe, dan lain-lain. Keempat program tersebut mampu menjalankan Mambo/Joomla karena di dalamnya terdapat komponen yang diperlukan ...

Annoying Windows Vista bugs - re-booting is necessary

I have been running Windows Vista for a few months now and I discover new bugs (and features) every other day. Vista does not seem so stable as it should be. It's no big blue screens or major application crashes but small annoying stuff like not persisting settings and stuff like that. I earlier wrote about changing the start menu power button, this changed setting reverts to it's original state about every third boot and then goes back to my changed state on the next boot! I have also written about that icons disappear from the notification area once in a while. Another issue that has been hazzling me is that on my development/work machine I have several applications running (Microsoft Offce, Virtual PC, Internet Explorer, Visual Studio) at the same time and at the end of the day I can't get the applications to work properly. Context menus does not appear when they should, buttons is missing in dialogs, windows is not appearing etc. Here is an example when I tried to close...

Iklan Adbrite Marketplace: Advertising Adbrite

Bagi yg ingin mendaftar iklan Adbrite, silahkan klik logo Adbrite diatas . Seorang rekan meminta saya untuk mengupdate panduan tutorial Adbrite, karena katanya ada perubahan cara daftarnya. Setelah saya cek, tampaknya memang ada sedikit perubahan, walaupun prinsipnya sama saja. Karena itu saya memutuskan mengupdate tutorial Adbrite yg lama dg posting baru, sedang panduang Adbrite yg lama tetapi tidak berubah. Ikuti panduan step-by-step berikut: 1. Website Owners --> Create a publisher account 2. Isi form (formulir) 3. Setelah selesai kasih tanda tik/cek pada "I accept the above terms and conditions* 4. Klik NEXT. 5. Di menu NEXT: SET AD SPECS --> klik 6. Pilih model iklan yg akan dipasang di blog Anda dg mengklik menu "Pick Size". Anda juga bisa memilih warna yg Anda suka. 7. Setelah itu klik menu NEXT: DESCRIBE YOUR SITE (posisinya paling bawah). 8. - Isi kotak yg tersedia dg jawaban yg sesuai: nama blog, alamat URL blog dan diskripsi blog. - Di menu paling bawah...

Menyelipkan iklan Adsense ke dalam postingan

Memang ini bukan berita lagi dimana anda dapat menyisipkan / menyelipkan iklan google adsense ke dalam postingan artikel anda di wordpress, tapi daripada tidak ada artikel , mendingan saya tuliskan ini. Tentu anda tidak mau repot dan ingin selalu fleksibel dimana anda malas mengedit Themes Editor di Wordpress anda hanya untuk memasukkan / menyelipkan iklan Google Adsense , Adbrite , Yahoo Overtures ataupun iklan lainnya, itupun tidak fleksibel, alias letaknya sudah fix (biasanya di sidebar, top page, footer page saja). Tentu anda ingin kalau iklan anda terletak di tengah-tengah artikel sehingga para visitor mengira iklan (biasanya iklan adsense) yang anda disisipkan merupakan bagian dari isi artikel anda, dan pendapatan pun bertambah dari iklan tersebut, apalagi anda yang pintar stylesheet sehingga iklan google adsense anda akan tampak sangat mirip dengan isi artikel postingan anda. Untuk mendapatkan / mendownload plugins tersebut, silahkan kunjungi situs ini :

Memanipulasi Jumlah Halaman dan Impression blogspot

Ini sedikit trik yang banyak tidak disadari para blogger, tapi ini sangat membantu untuk memaksimalkan jumlah halaman di blog anda. Ketika anda memposting artikel di blogger / blogspot, di bawah editor blogger terdapat tulisan kecil: Labels for this post: e.g. scooters, vacation, fall dengan textbox / kotak isian disebelahnya. Isilah textbox / kotak isian itu dengan kata-kata (tags) yang berhubungan dengan artikel anda yang dipisahkan dengan tanda koma. Misalnya anda membuat artikel yang berhubungan dengan keuangan, maka untuk mengisi textbox tersebut, masukkan kata : inancial, keuangan, credit, debit, hutang, piutang, account, akuntansi, pinjaman, debt, credit, loans, money, financial, loss. Dan lain-lain, dengan syarat berhubungan dengan artikel anda (supaya visitor tidak kecewa). Setelah anda selesai menulis artikel (baik anda simpan di draft maupun anda publish), tambahkan item LABELS saat anda mengatur Layout (coba cari di Dashboard), kemudian pilih ADD A PAGE ELEMENT. Setelah itu...

Get More Money with Adsense:Cara Jitu Meningkatkan Pendapatan dari Google Adsense

Mungkin anda selalu bertanya dalam hati, mengapa website / blog anda belum memberikan hasil / pendapatan maksimal kepada anda walaupun anda sudah serius ngeblog ? Sebenarnya tulisan artikel ini membahas cara terbaik menaikkan / meningkatan pendapatan blog anda dari hasil iklan secara umum (tidak spesifik untuk Google Adsense, bisa dari pendapatan / income melalui iklan seperti Bidvertiser,Adbrite,Oxado,Adengage), tetapi karena terlanjur terkenalnya Adsense, saya memberikan judul diatas. Artikel ini saya tulis berdasarkan email-email yang masuk menanyakan cara cepat untuk menaikkan traffic blog mereka dan cara memaksimalkan pendapatan dari iklan Adsense, terutama para referral saya dari iklan Adsense tersebut. Dulu, setelah saya berhasil di approve Google Adsense menjadi publisher mereka, begitu senangnya saya dan saya selalu memikirkan cara cepat alias shortcut untuk cepat meraih keuntungan dari hasil iklan tersebut, tetapi selalu gagal dan gagal. Saya sering bertanya, mengapa trafficn...

Why Use Adsense...?

Whether you should join the Google adsense program or not - is entirely up to you. However, if you have some free ad space on your website(s), you should certainly consider joining Google adsense. Here are a few reasons for you to consider about adsense: * No need to change outdated ads on your website - everything is handled by Google's adbot googlebot. * Google adsense serves non intrusive ads, compared to popins, popouts, floating ads etc. * Display well written content related advertising, that will match your site subject. * Save time finding advertisers for your ad space. * One simple code to paste on your pages, no programming skills needed. * You can change the colours of the adsense ads displayed, so that they fit your current site layout. * Google adsense serves the best ads for your pages from over 150.000 AdWords advertisers. * Google adsense is easy to join, most websites with original content gets accepted. And then there's the mone...

Agloco Internasional, Anda Surfing dibayar Agloco Daftar GRATIS hasil DOLLAR

Beberapa langkah mudah mendapatkan uang, install toolbar, surfing, dan dapat $$$. Agloco Internasional dapat dipercaya ! Join sekarang juga.tanpa perlu website, tanpa perlu sign up fee alias GRATIS, daftar klik disini Telah hadir bagi Anda yang biasa Browsing/Surfing Internet. Sekarang ada program baru, setiap Anda Browsing /Surfing Internet Anda seperti sekarang, Anda akan dibayar oleh sebuah perusahaan internasional bernama Agloco. Wow.. menarik sekali... Oleh sebab itu buru-buru daftarkan diri Anda untuk menjadi member Agloco dengan GRATIS . Bagaimana Agloco dapat membayar Anda? bagaiman internet marketing / bisnis online ini bekerja, Coba luangkan waktu Anda 5 menit untuk membaca ulasan berikut. Terimakasih, selamat bergabung. Netter yang terhormat ..... Apakah Anda menyadari betapa berharganya Anda? Iklan, penyedia search engine, dan penjualan / bisnis online membayar jutaan dollar agar Anda kunjungi ketika Anda surfing? Berapa banyak uang tersebut yang Anda dapatk...

Whats is Linux

Linux is an operating system that was initially created as a hobby by a young student, Linus Torvalds, at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linus had an interest in Minix, a small UNIX system, and decided to develop a system that exceeded the Minix standards. He began his work in 1991 when he released version 0.02 and worked steadily until 1994 when version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released. The kernel, at the heart of all Linux systems, is developed and released under the GNU General Public License and its source code is freely available to everyone. It is this kernel that forms the base around which a Linux operating system is developed. There are now literally hundreds of companies and organizations and an equal number of individuals that have released their own versions of operating systems based on the Linux kernel. More information on the kernel can be found at our sister site, LinuxHQ and at the official Linux Kernel Archives. The current full-featured version is 2.6 (re...

Continue Getting Listed On Yahoo

If you think it will take you a while to collect links, and that you’re likely to lose more than $299 in ad revenue while you’re waiti ng (which is certainly possible ), then it’s probably worth stumping up the cash. You don’t hav e to pay at all to be liste d in the search re sults though. The front door is located at /request but again, there’s no guarantee that just asking to be listed is going to be all it takes. You stand a better chance with lots of links already in place, and an even better chance still if you’re prepared to pay for listing here to o

Getting Listed On Yahoo!

Yahoo! has two kinds of listings: a directory, organized by topic; and search results based on keywords. Being listed in the directory costs money. You’ll have to pay an annual fee of $299. But what you get for that $299 isn’t just a listing on Yahoo!. You also massively increase the odds that your site will be noticed by crawler-based search engines such as Google. If you don’t hav e any link s, or j ust hav e very few, laying out the money can be a simple way of cutting down the time it might have taken you to get a good listing.


The first step to bringing in traffic is alway s putting your site on the search engines. There are dozens of those but I’m just going to mention the two most important. If your site is liste d on Google a nd on Yahoo!, you’ ll be a ble to catch most of the users looking for sites like your s. 1.1 Getting Liste d On Google To put y our site on Google, you don’t actually have to do anything. If you alre ady have plenty of links around the Web pointing at your site, then Google’s crawlers should pick up on it and include you in their listings. That’s great if you already have links. But if you don’t have links, you can just submit your URL directly at le .com/addurl /?continue=/addur l. There’s no guarantee that that will get your site listed though — or when — but it doesn’t hurt to try as a first step. You can also use a ne w service that Google is curre ntly te sting, called Sitemaps. This offers so...


INTRODUCTION ADSENSE TRAFFIC In my AdSense books, ta lks and articles, I spend a huge a mount of time talking about the best strategies to attract users to ads and persuade them to click. There are lots of different ways to do that and you can have plenty of fun testing to see which are the right approaches for your sites. All of those strategies have one aim though: to raise your clickthrough rate (CTR), the percentage of users who click on your ads. The more users that click, the more money you’ll make in ad revenues. But you could have a CTR of 100 percent and still barely make a dime if you’ve only got a handful of users visiting your Web pages. Building a successful, high-earning AdSense site then requires more than just understanding the best ways to optimize your ads (although that’s cer tainly important.) It also means understanding how to market your site and what you need to do to let the world know you’re out there. You can think of y our site as being lik e a tr ee. Th...

Putting Links In Newsletters

Most articles are placed on websites, like the majority of the links you use to pull in users. But sites aren’t the only places that you can post links. One of the most effective — and neglected — plac es to link to your site is in newsletters. The first option is to send articles to other publishers’ newsletters. As a publisher, you’ll probably find yourself subscribing to all sorts of email newsletters related to different aspects of your business. Ther e’s no harm in wr iting to the owners of one of those newsletters and asking if they want an article. Again, you can offer a link on your own website in return. And you should also be sending your own newsletter. That won’t bring you new users but it will make sure that your old users come back. That’s very important. If a user has already clicked on a link to your site and been impressed enough to subscribe to your newsletter, then he’s pretty interested in your content. You’ve already wo...