
Showing posts from August, 2007

Tips How To Get Backlinks And Increase Traffic On Sites Or Blogs

Getting back links are the one of the important way to increase the page rank of the sites. Because most search engines calculating their page rank according to the no of back links and the percentage of keyword density present in the WebPages. Initial traffic: Getting the back links is one of the complex task in SEO. Because most of the back link providers expect the same traffic or Quality of back links returned to their websites from the receiving sites. This will be the great challenge for beginners who have just started the blogging. In that situation these webmasters should look for the alternate paths for getting back links. So it was wise to request the back links after getting a reasonable traffic. So adding the url to various directories and search engines are the foremost task to gain traffic. Choosing Relevant& Qualified Back link Providers Choosing the relevant& qualified back links providers, is the another important task for the getting back links. Because wrongl...

Adding Google Ads to your RSS feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has gained huge popularity on the Internet. RSS is an XML document format that organizes and stores news-like content from various sources into one source. Think of it like a newswire service, the kind of stuff that scrolls along the bottom of cable channels. A large percentage of the “news” items you find on any website that is not a major news portal got there through an RSS feed. Google has introduced a specific program known as AdSense for RSS. Although, it is under beta testing currently (mid 2005), you can join this program now and start making money with it. RSS offers a variety of interesting content options that most websites themselves can’t match. Google AdSense for feeds has its own set of policies. These can be accessed at: Like the AdSense program, you must follow all guidelines in order to be accepted for the AdSense for feeds program.

7. Memasang Iklan Adsense

Untuk Memasang Iklan Adsense di situs atau blog kamu itu sangat mudah kok. Login aja ke, Setelah Kamu Log In, kamu bisa lihat beberapa tab (menu pilihan dibagian atas) lalu pilih tab : Adsense Setup, maka kemudian Kamu bisa lihat 3 kategori layanan Google Adsense yang telah dijelaskan di blog ini (Adsense for Content, adsense for Search dan Adsense for Referal ). Klik link adsense for content dan Ikuti saja petunjuk di sana, pilih format dan palete yang kamu inginkan dan akan tampil kode html nya. Setelah itu kamu Hanya tinggal copy dan paste kode html tersebut ke halaman web kamu di bagian html nya. Bisa ditaruh diantara judul dan isi artikel, sidebar, bagian atas, samping, terserah kamu deh. Oh ya kamu juga bisa nampilin google adsense for search dan adsense for referal di web atau blog kamu dengan mengeklik link adsense for search dan adsense for referal dibawah link adsense for content dan selanjutnya tinggal pilih format yang kamu inginkan dan pastekan k...

5 langkah Untuk Mendapatkan Pembayaran Google Adsense :

1. Terlebih dahulu Pastikan alamat email yang kamu berikan benar karena Google akan mengirimkan email pembayaran dan mengirimkan cek ke alamat yang Kamu tuliskan di account Kamu. Kamu bisa mengubah data alamat Kamu di bagian “My account” setelah Login. Yang tidak dapat Kamu ubah itu adalah “Negara” dan “Nama Penerima” pembayaran. 2. Kamu tidak perlu mengisi informasi pajak atau membayar pajak. Berikut kutipan statementnya : “If you do not have U.S. Activities, you will be asked to agree to a statement to that effect. No tax forms are required in this instance.” … (lihat lengkapnya di : ) 3. Pilihlah jenis pembayaran (apakah ingin memakai pembayaran express atau stkamurd). Pembayaran Kamu akan ditunda bila belum mengisi hal ini. Klik Payment Information [edit] link yang terdapat di My Account tab setelah Kamu login. 4. jika income Kamu telah mencapai $ 50 (USD), maka pihak Google akan mengirim PIN ke alamat Kamu (ya kira kira butuh waktu 2...