
Showing posts from April, 2007

Artikel Lengkap untuk blogger pemula yang ingin serius

Karena begitu banyak yang nyasar ke blog ini ketika mencari artikel mengenai cara ngeblog yang benar, tips dasar blogging, tips dasar membuat blog, maka saya berkesimpulan menulis artikel ini. Saya tidak membeda-bedakan apakah anda blogger untuk blogspot atau anda blogger untuk wp / wordpress. Untuk para blogger versi multiply, livejournal, blogsome, b2evolution, nucleus (hehe.. sorry, saya buta soal itu), tapi yang jelas artikel saya ini bersifat universal, mungkin ada beberapa point tambahan untuk para blogger di blogspot dan blogger di wordpress. Berikut ini beberapa tips dasar untuk para blogger: 1. Untuk blogger yang kebetulan mempunyai dasar internet, maksud saya dasar pemograman HTML, jangan coba-coba mengutak-atik judul di title tags anda, karena jika anda memberikan judul yang tetap / constant pada TITLE tags anda (bukan dari script defaultnya), maka artikel-artikel lama anda akan menjadi basi (artikel-artikel yang telah diarsip secara otomatis). Bagaimana dengan META ta...

Technorati: Direktori Blog, Tags & Bookmarks

Seperti yg pernah dijelaskan sebelumnya, untuk promosi blog supaya lebih luas dikenal setidaknya anda harus mensubmit ke dua direktori blog terkenal: dan Technorati adalah direktori blog terbesar saat ini disusul oleh milik google. Technorati tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai direktori blog, tapi juga sebagai blogsearch, tags aggregator, piranti untuk mengetahui situs/blog apa saja yg pasang link blog Anda dan online bookmarks. Apa itu tag dan online bookmarks dan bagaimana memaksimalkan fungsi technorati? * Tag: tag mirip dg subyek atau kategori. Ini berfungsi untuk memudahkan search engine menemukan tulisan Anda. Saat ini sudah ada search engine yg khusus mencari 'tag'. Jadi, umpama blog anda di beri tag "indonesia", maka setiap ada yg mencari kata 'indonesia' di search engine, blog anda akan masuk. Di Technorati, kita boleh memasang 20 tag untuk setiap blog. Saya isi antara lain dg nama-nama negara di...

Aggregator Blog Indonesia

Seri cara promosi blog. Bagaimana cara/kiat/tip memasukkan blog di agregator blog Indonesia untuk menambah popularitas blog kita. Salah satu cara untuk mempromosikan blog agar lebih dikenal dan populer adalah dengan memasukkan alamat blog dan feed/rss blog ke blog agregator. Dengan memasukkan alamat blog dan feed/rss kita ke blog agregator maka setiap kita meng-update atau memposting artikel baru ke blog kita, maka ia juga akan tampil di blog agregator tsb. Saat ini di Indonesia sudah banyak blog penyedia blog agregator, sayangnya kebanyakan harus mendaftar dg proses yang sulit; sebagian lagi malah khusus untuk komunitas tertentu seperti komunitas blog bidang TI (teknologi informasi), komunitas blogger daerah tertentu, dll. Namun jangan keburu kecewa. Ada satu blog agregator Indonesia yg paling bagus, sangat mudah cara daftarnya dan tak salah kalau kemudian menjadi agregator Indonesia paling populer alamatnya di Cara mendaftar 1. Kunjungi alamat h...

How do I change my email address / login at Account Ads?

How do I change my email address / login? If you're logging in to AdSense using a Google Account, you will be able to update your email address through the Google Accounts page. However, if you're not using a Google Account as your login, our support team will have to manually update your email address. To find out whether you're using a Google Account to log in to AdSense, follow these steps: Log into your AdSense account at Select the My Account tab At the top of the page, in the Login Information section, you may see an edit in Google Accounts link. - If you see this link, you're using a Google Account. Click the link and update your login through the Google Accounts site. Please be aware that if your Google Account is a Gmail address, you will not be able to change it at this time. - If you do not see this link, you're not using a Google Account. Please fill out our login change form to assist us in manually updating you...

How do I change my email address / login at Account Ads

How do I change my email address / login? If you're logging in to AdSense using a Google Account, you will be able to update your email address through the Google Accounts page. However, if you're not using a Google Account as your login, our support team will have to manually update your email address. To find out whether you're using a Google Account to log in to AdSense, follow these steps: Log into your AdSense account at Select the My Account tab At the top of the page, in the Login Information section, you may see an edit in Google Accounts link. - If you see this link, you're using a Google Account. Click the link and update your login through the Google Accounts site. Please be aware that if your Google Account is a Gmail address, you will not be able to change it at this time. - If you do not see this link, you're not using a Google Account. Please fill out our login change form to assist us in manually updating you...

Aksesoris Blog

Konon, blog itu berjenis kelamin perempuan. Dan, karena itu, perlu dihiasi dg aksesoris supaya selalu tampak cantik dan dapat menarik hati kaum blogger (yg ini berjenis laki-laki). Berikut sejumlah "perhiasan" blog yg dapat dipasang di blog Anda yg berfungsi tidak hanya sebagai perhiasan tapi juga untuk menarik hati kaum blogger (baca, pengunjung) dan search engine. Sekali lagi perlu diingat, aksesoris ini hanya dapat dipasang pada blog yg templatenya dapat diedit seperti, plus blog yg domain/hostingnya beli sendiri, tentunya. Aksesoris Blog 1. Bukutamu Bukutamu blog disebut juga dg shoutbox atau tagboard. Sama dg bukutamu website, tapi bentuknya lebih sederhana. Banyak situs penyedia bukutamu blog gratis yg bisa Anda cari di google dg kata kunci shoutbox atau tagboard. termasuk penyedia bukutamu blog yg disukai yg servernya cukup stabil. Caranya: (a) Daftar di alamat di atas, ikuti semua perintahnya; (b) Setelah selesai, log-in ...

What is Google AdSense?

What is Google AdSense? Google AdSense is an ad-serving program that places ads that “make sense” – specifically, that make sense based on relevant content, and assumptions about who might be interested in that content. AdSense is an application of the broader concept of Contextual Marketing. Contextual Marketing is just what it sounds like. On a website about custom cars, you might have an ad for fancy wheels or car care kits. On a website about off-roading, you might have an ad for durable truck tires or spotlight rigs. A hockey site might advertise hockey sticks…and a tennis site, tennis shoes. Contextual Marketing just means aligning the ad serving with the context/nature of the website and its audience, the same way like items are grouped in a store. And the “context” can be cut much finer than website level, it can be page level, article level, and so on, so the ads always match the material they are appearing near, and thus, appeal to the interest of the reader/buyer at any give...

Make Sense of Google AdSense – and make money!

Make Sense of Google AdSense – and make money! As a successful web publisher looking to get to the next level, you are probably thinking about trying a number of different approaches to increasing revenue – especially your passive revenue, the money that just “shows up” from time to time while you focus on other things. You may be considering various forms of internet advertising. And you should. Internet advertising has exceeded all expectations. The technology keeps advancing, and the popularity and ubiquity of the medium is incredible. Most companies can benefit from the Internet because it allows the chance to reach a global audience at never-before-possible speeds, with many kinds of filters to make sure the right audience sees the right message, and costs that are often surprisingly low. But many businesses make money online in ways that have very little to do with their own actual business, but with systems that connect various companies and offerings together. You may be wonder...

What can cause your website to get banned?

What can cause your website to get banned? There are many onpage ranking factors AND offpage ranking factors that can cause Google to ban your website. Today, we'll focus on only the onpage things that can cause your site to get banned. Before I begin, I want you to know that many websites still get away with doing some of these things. They DO NOT help your rankings and are simply a waste of time, so don't try them. Sooner or later Google will catch up to these websites and will remove them. It's just not worth the risk, when doing them doesn't help your ranking to begin with. Banned: * Note: Most SEOs call this "gray barred". Not Banned:

Check Google's search results.

Go to Google and enter your entire URL into Google's search box. In this example we'll use a made up name. ( Let's say this website was in Google's index at one time. On a side note, I tried and and both were already taken. I guess some people just don't have enough time on their hands :-) Anyway, we'll go to Google and enter our entire URL and click "search" Http:// Notice that Google says there is no information available for this URL? This means that the URL is no longer in Google's database. If you enter a brand new website into Google, you'll always get this message until the website has been indexed. But, in this case, our website has been banned by Google for some reason. Another way you can quickly see if your website has been banned is by: Viewing the Google Toolbar. Download the Google Toolbar here: Once it's installed, simply visit your website....

How do you know if you've been banned?

How do you know if you've been banned? First let me show you how to see if you're clearly banned by Google. Often times people think they've been banned, when in reality they've just dropped in ranking and can't find their website. There are a couple of things you can do. 1.) Check Google's search results. 2.) View the Google toolbar.

Copy the linking strategy of

Copy the linking strategy of Now that we know who links to (The #1 ranked website) and how they're doing it, we can begin to copy what they're doing. The goal here is to contact the websites that link to and copy the exact linking strategy they're using to get a #1 ranking. So, how the heck are we going to get hundreds of links pointing to our website, let alone contact all the websites that link to and get them to link to us? We could do 1 of 2 things... We could go to Google and enter: which would give us the list of websites that link to them, as I taught you in chapter 4. Once you have that list, you could click on each website. Search their website to find a contact email address Open up your email program (Outlook or whatever email client you use) Write out a link request to them asking them if they would link to your website in return for you linking to their website.

Analysis View

Next we'll take a look at the Analysis View tab. If we click on the column heading titled "Anchor Text", it will sort the column in descending order. You can see that the 2 words that are found the most often in's backlink anchor text are the words "diet" and "information". 98.5% of the overall backlinks pointing to contain the word "diet" and 85.6% of the backlinks contain the word "information". Also listed is the total number of links containing each of these words. This is just another way of showing you why is outranking their competitors. You will want to try and copy these percentages when you optimize your own website and get others websites to link to you. Again, you can do all of this manually within an Excel spreadsheet if you wish to do so... It's just a matter of doing a little math. If your percentages are too high, Google may think you are "spamming" and...

The IP Address of the webpages linking to them

The IP Address of the webpages linking to them. To do this we'll need to use some type of program that will tell us the IP Address of this webpage linking to My favorite tool is: This tool will allow you to enter a URL and it will let you know what the IP Address of that URL is. Note: It's important to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible. So, if we go to this website and enter we'll see that the IP Address of this site is: Ok, just to review what we've managed to gather thus far: There are 461 webpages listed by Google that are linking to The Google Page Rank of 1 of those websites is 2 The anchor text of the link pointing to is "Diet Information” The title of that webpage linking to is "Healthy Nutrition with Herbalife Products - Recommended Links” The number of l...

Copy The Top Ranked Websites To Get A #1 Position

Copy The Top Ranked Websites To Get A #1 Position The goal here will be to copy exactly what they're doing, and then do things slightly better. We want to give Google exactly what they want, by making our offpage optimization as close to the top ranked websites as possible, but as I said, slightly better, we'll edge them out and rank better. Let's change gears and analyze the top ranked website for the keyword, "diet information" because this is a much more competitive keyword that "weight loss stories" and it will help illustrate the kind of offpage optimization that you'll need to rank high in the search engines. As I mentioned above, we'll need to analyze a bunch of things about the #1 ranked website for the term "diet information" ( Again, these things include: Which websites link to them The number of websites linking to them The Google of the website linking to them The page title of the website linking to ...

How To Skyrocket Past The #1 Ranked Website

“How To Skyrocket Past The #1 Ranked Website On Google For The Term Diet Information ...” This is the single most important thing you need to do to rank well. So, listen closely and soak up EVERYTHING I'm about to teach you. It's very straightforward and may seem simple, but it works... Now that we've analyzed the top ranked website in our niche, we need to do the necessary things to outrank them. As I taught you earlier, it's not the onpage optimization factors that will give you the biggest change in ranking. Remember, onpage factors include: ? page title ? header tags ? alt tags ? meta tags ? bolding, italicyzing, and underlining ? placing keyword in the correct position on the page While onpage optimization is still something you should do, it's NOT what will get you high search engine rankings. It's the offpage optimization factors that will. ? Who links to you and how they do it Copy the linking strategy of Now that we know who links to www....

The page title of the website linking to them

The page title of the website linking to them We'll not that the page title of this webpage is "Healthy Nutrition with Herbalife Products - Recommended Links". Notice that the page title doesn't include's main keyword "diet information". You'll want to try to get websites to link to you from pages that contain your main keyword in their page title. The anchor text used in the link linking to them Anchor text plays an extremely important roll in ranking well in Google. Note: Anchor text is the actual text located within the link linking to For example, in this example: diet information is helpful. ? the anchor text. Ok, now let's look at the webpage above and find where the link to is located... See below: “Diet information” You'll notice that the anchor text being used is "Diet Information"... Hmm... How about that? The keyword they're ranked #1 on happens to be the exact anchor text...

“How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google

How To Skyrocket Your Website To The Top Of Google With Properly Planned Offpage Optimization!” I don't know about you, but I get extremely excited when I see my new keywords at the top of Google for the very first time. Making big changes in ranking is primarily done by what is called offpage optimization. Earlier I mentioned there were two types of search engine optimization. ? Onpage Optimization ? Offpage Optimization We've gone over onpage optimization, so let's move on to offpage optimization which is what really makes a HUGE difference in your site's ranking. Properly planned offpage optimization will make the difference between your website ranking #900, and ranking #1 on Google! So, what is offpage optimization anyway? Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are NOT located on your webpage, that the search engines look at when ranking a website. These include: ? Which websites link to you ? The number of websites linking to yo...

Purchasing Text Links!

Purchasing Text Links! Purchasing links from high Page Rank websites. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to visit 1 of the many link purchasing websites. Here are a few of the better ones that I personally use on a regular basis. I've listed them in order of which I view as the best. Many times you can purchase 1 PR7 link for a 1 month time period for, say, $150. After the month is up, there is no need to renew because you are already in Google's index! So, basically by paying a 1 time fee of $150 you can be indexed by Google within 24 hours, with no work on your part. Something else that I will typically do with new websites, is I will always link my older, higher Page Rank websites to my new websites. If you already own 1 PR5 or 6 website, then place a link on the index page of that PR5 or 6 website and point it to your new website. Leave the link there for 1-3 days and you'll quickly see your new website in Google's index! Once you're in the index, you can...

Never Use The Google Submission Form!

Never Use The Google Submission Form! You should NEVER use this form, or any other of the top search engine's submission forms for that matter. These search engines include Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, and Alltheweb. So, how do you get your website indexed within 24 hours? Let's stick with our weight loss website for now, and I will take you through the steps you'll need to do to get indexed by Google in under 24 hours, guaranteed. ? Go to Google and enter the broadest keyword you can think of that's related to your website. In our example, it will be "weight loss". Once you've done this, you'll see a list of Google results. ? Browse through each website and pay particular attention to the Google Page Rank of the website. Note: Remember, Google Page Rank is measured by the number of websites and the "importance" of those websites that link to your website. In general, the more websites that link to your website, the higher your Page Rank will be. S...

Force Google To Read Your Keywords First!

Force Google To Read Your Keywords First! Now, remember I stated above that Google reads your webpage from top left, to bottom right? Well, in general they do, but because most websites contain a left hand column which contains all of their navigation links, as shown below: Google WILL View all of the text in the left hand column Before The Body of the webpage. This isn't good for us, because we want Google to actually read our content first! How can you get around this? I've come up with a neat little trick that will ensure that Google reads the actual body of your webpage before the left hand column containing your navigational links. Here is what you need to do: Rather than creating a table that looks like this, which is essentially what the website above looks like... You should create a table that looks like this: By doing this, Google will read the top left hand row/column first (This is labeled "empty column") BUT will see that it is empty, so it will then read...

Search Engine Optimization MADE EASY 1

"The Cold Hard Facts About Google Page Rank And How To Use It To 1-Up Your Competitors!” Chapter 1 Note: Before you begin, if you're NOT 100% serious about getting your website to the top of Google and the other major search engines, DO NOT read another word. Only read on if you plan to put into action, everything I will be teaching you. It's best to print this e- Book off, highlight areas, and take notes as you learn the exact steps needed for a top search engine ranking. Ok, on to chapter 1... If you're anything like me, you've probably created a brand new website, Submitted it to a few search engines and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your site and buy whatever it is you were selling. After a couple of weeks go by and only a few stray people show up at your website, you decide to try and "optimize" your website around your main keyword in hopes that you just might rank well in 1 of the millions of search engines. Another couple of week...

Cara membuat Arsip pull-down di Blogspot

Sumber tulisan dari Mario Gagho Cara membuat arsip blog dalam satu menu dalam bentuk pull-down atau drop-down di blogger/blogspot (6) Dalam konsep blog, setiap posting kita akan terarsip otomatis secara rapi setiap bulan. Setiap memasuki bulan baru, seperti Januari, maka arsip bulan Desember akan tampil di sidebar. Masalahnya, kalau kita sudah ngeblog setahun, maka arsip dari Januari sampai Desember akan berjejer di sidebar kita. Bagaimana kalau dua dan tiga tahun lagi? Langkah praktis mengatasi hal ini adalah dengan membuat pull-down menu seperti di bawah ini: - Archives - January 2004 February 2004 March 2004 April 2004 May 2004 Jadi, berapa bulan/tahun kita blogging di blogger/blogspot, menu bulan-bulan tsb tidak akan memenuhi dan berjejer panjang di sidebar kita. Yg tampak hanya nama "Archives", baru setelah diklik, akan muncul nama bulan arsip-arsip kita. Caranya mudah. (1) Login ke dg id Anda (2) Klik Template (3) Di bagian sidebar blog Anda bagian arc...

Pasang Foto di Profile Blogger/Blogspot

Banyak blogger yg nanya tentang bagaimana cara memasukkan fotonya yg ganteng dan cantik di profile blognya. Berbeda dg di blog gratis lain, di blogger/blogspot, prosesnya agak sedikit rumit bagi yg masih baru di dunia internet. Ada dua cara memasukkan foto : Cara Pertama: Upload foto Anda di postingan blog. Caranya: (a) Setelah login, klik link blog Anda. (b) Klik menu "posting" atau "Create" (c) Di toolbar posting ada tombol bergambar panorama warna biru. Klik di situ, dan akan muncul pop-up window untuk "upload images" (d) Klik browse ke file foto Anda yg sudah tersimpan di komputer (e) Klik Upload Image warna biru (tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses upload selesai) (f) Klik Done (g) Sekarang foto Anda sudah masuk ke posting. Klik menu "Edit HTML" di toolbar posting bagian atas sebelah kanan. (h) Akan tampak sejumlah kode HTML di situ. Copy/paste kode yg berada setelah tulisan [src="] yaitu link yg dimulai dg [http://] dan berakhir dg [.jp...

Cara Buat Logo dan Banner

Bagi yg bisa program photoshop, membuat banner dan badge/chicklet itu mudah. Bagi yg agak males latihan otak-atik photoshop seperti saya tidak usah kuatir. Di internet banyak penyedia program pembuat chicklet dan banner online secara gratis dan instan. Sebagai pembuka, logo atau chicklet adalah banner kecil yg biasa buat link-button seperti yg di sidebar blog saya. Sementara banner ukurannya lebih besar dan biasa ditaruh di header blog/website. Ikuti panduan buat logo/chicklet/banner berikut: A. Cara Membuat Chicklet 1. Kunjungi 2. Di LEFT-BLOCK (bagian kiri atas) ada menu "Text", ganti tulisan "w3c" sesuai dg yg Anda inginkan. Contoh, tulis Blog; 3. Di RIGHT-BLOCK (bagian kanan atas) ada menu "Text", ganti tulisan "xhtml" dg yg sesuai dg keinginan Anda, contoh, "Tutorial" 4. Di GENERATE-BUTTON (bagian kanan bawah) klik tulisan Generate Button. Maka akan muncul chicklet seperti ini: 5. Nah, arahkan mouse ke g...

If you are looking for money

If you are looking for money ? Elvis said, if you looking for a trouble, you came to right place. but I say, if you are looking for money, you come to right place, right time because I'm a money maker. "If you're looking for trouble You came to the right place If you're looking for trouble Just look right in my face I was born standing up And talking back My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me I've never looked for trouble But I've never ran I don't take no orders From no kind of man I'm only made out Of flesh, blood and bone But if you're gonna start a rumble Don't you try it on alone Because I'm evil, my middle name is misery Well I'm evil, so don't you mess around with me I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be I'm evil, evil, evil, as can be So don't mess around don't mess around don't mess around with me I'm ev...

Cara Daftar Blog di Blogger Beta

Sejak tanggal 19 Desember, Blogger baru yg terlahir pada 10 November dan berstatus Beta (masa percobaan) itu, sekarang sudah tidak Beta lagi dalam arti sudah operasional penuh. Dengan demikian, siapa saja yg daftar buat blog di sejak 19 Desember akan otomatis terdaftar dalam blogger versi baru ini. Dan bagi pengguna blogger/blogspot lama sudah diberi pilihan untuk pindahan ke blogspot versi baru. Hal penting bagi yg baru akan buat blog di blogger adalah sistem daftar/registrasi buat blognya sekarang harus memiliki akun/account Jadi, bagi Anda yg sudah punya email di, tinggal langsung buka, dan masukkan akun gmail dan password Anda di tempat login. Sementara bagi yg belum punya email di, Anda harus buat email dulu dg cara minta di-invite pada yg sudah punya id gmail. Anda bisa juga meminta invite ke saya dg mengirim email ke: untuk saya invite. SUMBER: Dikutip dari tulisan Mario Gagho

Cara Praktis Promosi Blog (3)

Setelah membuat blog dan memposting tulisan, curhat, puisi dan cerpen serta diari Anda, cobalah tiga hari kemudian cek blog Anda di, pakai kata kunci nama Anda atau link Anda seperti (pemakaian http://.. ini perlu untuk membentuk link). Apabila masih belum muncul di, berarti ada setting-an blog Anda yg perlu diperbaiki. Ikuti petunjuk sbb: (1) Log-in ke dan masukkan id dan password seperti biasa; (2) Klik judul blog Anda; (3) Klik "setting", trus klik "publishing" (4) Di bagian paling bawah ada menu "notify" pilih "yes". (5) Klik "Save Settings" dan "republish". Selesai. Jangan lupa, menu "comments" dibikin publik supaya orang mudah memberi komentar. Caranya: (1) Klik "Setting", trus klik "comments". Di "settings comments" ini ada berbagai pilihan, pilih sbb: (a) Comments --...

Memaksimalkan Blog di Blogger

Rekan-rekan mahasiswa dan masyarakat di India pelan tapi pasti sudah mulai rajin menorehkan tulisan di blog masing-masing, searah dg perkembangan rekan-rekan lain di Tanah Air. Umumnya mereka membuat blog dg provider blog gratis paling terkenal yaitu Blogger atau Blogspot. Pada tulisan-tulisan lalu, sudah dijelaskan sejumlah tips untuk membuat blog kita menjadi google friendly, mudah ditangkap mesin pencari (search engine) google dan saudara-saudaranya. Tips berikut ini sebagian akan mengulang tulisan lalu secara lebih detail plus sejumlah tambahan bagaimana untuk memaksimalkan cara kerja blog kita. Saya urut dari awal. Setting-an Blog Setelah log-in dg id Anda, klik link blog. Setelah itu: (a) Klik 'SETTING' dan klik 'BASIC'. Title --> Isi judul blog Anda. Sebaiknya nama Anda sendiri. Contoh: Tasar-Zulfikar Blog Description --> Deskripsi singkat isi blog Anda. Sebaiknya tidak terlalu panjang dan berisi kata-kata yg paling mewakili isi blog Anda. Contoh: Blog Tasa...

Cara Daftar Google Adsense

Walaupun mendaftar di Google Adsense itu mudah, namun ternyata banyak juga yg ditolak pada saat register pertama kali; bahkan ada yg terus gagal sampai putus asa. Berikut sedikit saya urai langkah dan kiat serta trik step by step dalam mendaftar di Google Adsense. 1. Kunjungi, ada tulisan Click Here to Apply --> klik. 2. Ada menu Website Information. (a) Di Website URL, tulis alamat situs atau blog Anda. Contoh:; (b) Di Website language, pilih English (tak masalah walaupun blog Anda bahasa Indonesia). 3. Ada menu Contact Information: (a) Account type, pilih "Individual"; (b) Country or territory, pilih "Indonesia" atau negara mana saja yg Anda inginkan. 4. Payee name (full name), tulis nama lengkap Anda sesuai dg nama KTP atau rekening bank. Dan isi juga alamat lengkap rumah, telpon dan faksimil (yg ini tidak wajib) di kolom di bawahnya. 5. Di kolom Policies kasih tanda tik/cek semua kelima kotak yg ...

Cara praktis Promosi Blog(2)

Setelah selesai membuat blog, hal yg tak kalah pentingnya adalah empromosikan/memperkenalkan blog milik Anda pada dunia ramai. Apa gunanya membuat blog kalau isi curhat, puisi, cerpen, refleksi dan opini Anda yang diposting tidak dibaca orang, bukan? Ikuti langkah-langkah promosi blog sebagai berikut: (1) Daftarkan di blog directory Daftarkan blog Anda ke berbagai direktori blog (blog directory). Sedikitnya, daftarkan di tiga blog directory terbesar dan terpopuler, yaitu (a) (b) (c) . Ikuti seluruh petunjuk pada ketiga blog directory tsb ketika mendaftar. Blog-blog directory ini nantinya secara otomatis akan mengirim data blog dan posting-posting anda ke berbagai search engine, termasuk tiga search engine besar yaitu,, (2) Link-trade, Link Exchange atau Tukar Link Ajak teman anda yg memiliki blog untuk saling tukar link. Link URL anda di blog dia, dan jangan lupa anda j...

Cara Mudah Menghasilkan Uang dari Hp dan Pulsa Gratis

V-net Club adalah club pemakai HP yang bukan saja memberikan kemudahan kepada anggotanya dalam melayani kebutuhan pulsa HP, tetapi dengan kecanggihannya memiliki fasilitas SMS GRATIS sesama member dan (Rp 150/sms ke non member), dan fasilitas2x lainnya yang akan datang seperti VNETPhone yaitu fasilitas bisa telp sepuasnya sesama member hanya dengan membayar biaya abonemen bulanan saja (msh dlm taraf uji coba), VNETMALL yaitu fasilitas belanja dapat diskon dan pasang iklan gratis yg dapat dilihat oleh seluruh anggota VNET, dan VNET Zone yaitu fasilitas download ringtone, wallpaper, games, dapat poin yg dapat ditukar dengan hadiah (masih dlm proses), serta menawarkan peluang bisnis yang luar biasa bagi anggotanya yang ingin menjalankannya dengan serius. Sebelumnya yang ada dalam benak kita, memakai HP menimbulkan pengeluaran biaya, tapi dengan adanya Inovasi System Marketing Modern telah merubah paradigma “Belanja pulsa adalah pengeluaran biaya” menjadi “Belanja pulsa berpeluang memperol...

Petunjuk praktis membuat Blog (1)

UPDATE: CARA MEMBUAT BLOG DI BLOGGER / BLOGSPOT SEJAK JANUARI 2007 BERUBAH. LIHAT UPDATE DI BAWAH UNTUK DETAILNYA. Karena banyak yg bertanya tentang apa itu blog, maka agar lebih praktis saya tuliskan saja di sini info dasar blog bagi pemula. Tulisan ini berdasarkan cara pandang saya melihat teknologi blog yg sekarang lagi tumbuh pesat diminati tidak hanya kalangan awam, tapi juga mulai merambah ke kalangan intelektual dan akademisi serta selebritis Indonesia. Di luar negeri, blog sudah berkembang sejak lama. Kita saja yg memang suka ketinggalan. 1. Apa itu blog? Blog adalah situs pribadi. Berbeda dg website yg setiap memposting harus susah payah memakai kode ekstensi .html .php, .asp, dll, blog merupakan otomatisasi dari semua ekstensi tsb. Sehingga karena sudah diotomatisasi, maka kita-kita semua yg lugu teknologi menjadi ostosmastis dapat memposting apa yg kita inginkan persis seperti kita memposting email ke teman atau ke milis. Dan karena kemudahan inilah, maka semua orang yg tahu...