Top 10 ideas to create the drag-free for news sites or blogs

Dot Com is the next generation is just not enough buildings. Chicken and eggs have a question you need customers for customers ... and try to open a website on steroids. How to program.

Here are ten ideas for building drag-free, we try:.

1) Tell your friends:.
Found that means target market and bring them to your website by e-mail ... and make them aware of each stem capital feel that you have with them to join. See the new site and join.

2) Ask your friends to view more.
If you send an email to the target market for any reason is valuable for them (and not just you) to join your site ... and ask him easy for them to treat people. know. Here is an example email I write to ask for references -.

"Please wait for one application. C. ... Interested operators consultants who have blogs, media contacts, etc. "Although the contact to send four or five very different for us.
3) and leave it there ...
I then heard some people consider swallowing and research the next blog ... this really was not difficult and expensive. In reality it free! I believe not consider registering PR Leap ( Not only did they have some good articles that explain for dummies (like me) how to write press releases, but they also offer a free service for several channels, such as Google News, Google Search, Yahoo! Search, Technorati, MSN, Ask News, NewsNow and others also. The site - PR Leap is the best way to send (s, your) children of every major search engine and press the sites. And free basic account!

And what happens to us? Well we have registered and created the next release. (It will take approximately 30 minutes) will be submitted and approved before this date. Will be announced tomorrow. If you're interested in media is linked to:

Basic Plan (read. .. free) with statistics, so I will tell you in a few days if the press read by anyone, and if true. Action by all blogging sites, etc. To view the press that skill. Leap releases and press releases we write!

4) custom toolbar:.

From well known that the trough. ( a person has the opportunity to create their own custom free. Trough a wizard on the site, which will take you through a step installation process. Of steps. Will take about twenty minutes after you finish, you can create a link to. You can download the toolbar and a co-signature e-mail or click through to. Download to your new website. There are many ways to cool custom search bar ... you create a brand of links to specific pages on your site, etc. Add Airtime to secure their withdrawal value for customers.

5) design your site to make sure customers know and you invite other people easily.
If we like your marketing budget is measured by a weapon in the fourth quarter of candy you will. Web site design services, and if your buttons. "Invite people never far. Regardless of what consumers will see on that. Dare to do things better is clear that you can, but suggestions from customers are always satisfied. To be able to attract new customers.

6 Friends) and the list Revisisted:.
To your friends in the press, or know someone who has a blog? And you will not know until you ask ... ask!

7) connection to participate. (
If you have not considered co-connected networks and other sites so review compeitition May (in my dream !)... but you can join after searching the directory and find someone who can both a) to attend site or b. ) to encourage others to do to you. If you are already a member search.

8 group), and board:.
What is Yahoo ( or Google Groups ( or online forums with other types of people who want to attract to your site? If so, join the majority ... but be careful of the group members to participate in discussion groups do not like spam. To find the best forum for your customers to participate and take a course. Know what some said. Or two weeks and then I jump in and add little value ... and check your message and your e-mail and web address may be. If a member can benefit, then check your new site ...

One last thing, if the waves are good prospects for your consideration ... to create your own ... and their influence on your new website. This is one I started ... I know ... but only some members of multiple links to your site that appears in the Google and Alexa: = en.

Contact 9) members are your:.
You have a few members? If so, from time to time send e-mail (not every day!) And remember the value of your site ... could focus on the tools or features are particularly useful on your site. May meet with some members and ask them if you can write to them to participate. This site depends on what you want. At the bottom of each e-mail ... give them some phrases. (Example above) to send to people they know. How much stress will help them appreciate how important to you and your small business.

10) folding drum .... Badda Badda Badda .... Create a Blog!
Hope your blog is the ten most valuable and how to receive a new networking site. ( free).


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