
Showing posts from October, 2009

Top 10 ideas to create the drag-free for news sites or blogs

Dot Com is the next generation is just not enough buildings. Chicken and eggs have a question you need customers for customers ... and try to open a website on steroids. How to program. Here are ten ideas for building drag-free, we try:. 1) Tell your friends:. Found that means target market and bring them to your website by e-mail ... and make them aware of each stem capital feel that you have with them to join. See the new site and join. 2) Ask your friends to view more. If you send an email to the target market for any reason is valuable for them (and not just you) to join your site ... and ask him easy for them to treat people. know. Here is an example email I write to ask for references -. "Please wait for one application. C. ... Interested operators consultants who have blogs, media contacts, etc. "Although the contact to send four or five very different for us. 3) and leave it there ... I then heard some people consider swallowing and research the next blog ... this rea...

Protect your computer

So you bought your computer to the Internet? It's not as simple as making the yarn and turn this day. The Internet is a strange and wonderful as long as you can control what you do. So you have to defend yourself. Could a few simple steps can be done. This article will help you start, but you should always try to be smart when you surf the net! Step 1: Anti-Virus Scanner If you have an Internet connection or not, has anti-virus scanner. The computer can detect the virus. "It'sa little files or codes began to destroy your computer! It must be stopped! There are many programs out there that can help, but it is better to rely solely on mainstream programs like these are updated regularly used. Recommendations: AVG Anti-Virus Free Avast Virus Step 2: Firewall Your right to think so, what is a firewall "sounds really scary? Well, that's not true. This is another line of defense against a number of ways your computer c...

Cascading Style Sheets Tips

Most Web pages, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and XHTML (Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language) writing style is selected as the most common applications CSS - Cascading Style Sheets. CSS stylesheet language used to describe the appearance of a document written in markup language format is used. A markup language text in different ways is a system for interpretation of the text. Cascading style sheets to make it possible to separate the contents of the document (which corresponds to the HTML or markup language) documents will be presented with design (the layout, colors, fonts) contains. This separation has taken place, content, format allows for multiple pages, accessibility, flexibility and control features that will improve performance and reduce duplication of structural complexity of the content. Priority order is determined by when you work with CSS. In this so-called cascade, priorities and weights are calculated and rules, so the results can be assessed. Example: selector [...