4. Mendaftar Google Adsense

Mendaftar Adsense sangat mudah … Jika Kamu sudah mempunyai website atau blog dalam bahasa Inggris, maka kunjungi saja halaman ini : https://www.google.com/adsense/
(koneksi online dibutuhkan), maka Kamu akan dibawa ke halaman pendaftaran Google Adsense. Klik tombol Putih bertuliskan … “Click Here to Apply”

Kemudian kamu akan dibawa ke halaman pendaftaran seperti ini :
Setelah kamu isi dan submit form tersebut, akan muncul halaman “Terms dan Conditions” yang berisi Peraturan dan Persyaratan” sebagai member (Adsense Publisher). Klik tombol “I Agree”.
Berikutnya akan muncul halaman ucapan terima kasih dari Google sekaligus meminta Kamu melakukan verifikasi melalui email, untuk memastikan bahwa alamat email yang Kamu cantumkan adalah valid, berfungsi dengan baik dan benar milik Kamu.

Contoh Surat Verifikasi adalah seperti ini :

Subject: Google AdSense Email Verification

Hello …(nama Kamu),

Welcome to Google AdSense. In order to verify your email address and
submit your information for review, please click on the link below.


This should take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it
does not, please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's
address box and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Once you confirm
your email, we'll review your application and email you after we check
your site for AdSense eligibility. If you're accepted, you'll then be
able to log in to your account with the email address and password you
submitted with your application.


The Google Team

Klik URL berwarna biru yang terdapat pada surat tersebut, setelah itu Google akan memproses permohonan Kamu dengan mengecek apakah situs yang Kamu ajukan sudah sesuai dengan persyaratan.
*) Tentu Kamu perlu tahu lebih dulu Persyaratan yang diberikan agar permohonan Kamu bisa disetujui. Silakan klik disini
Dalam waktu 1- 2 x 24 jam sudah ada response surat sebagai berikut bila permohonan Kamu disetujui :
Subject: Welcome to Google AdSense


Your Google AdSense application has been approved. Your account is now
activated, and Google ads are being delivered to your pages.

You can log in to your AdSense account at any time, to make changes to
your ad layouts or to view your activity reports.

Make changes to your Google ads:

Log in to your account at https://www.google.com/adsense?hl=en_US, or
through the application or service from which you originally
registered. Select from the available color and layout options to
select an ad format that works best for your web pages.

See the results:

You can see your earnings at any time by checking the online reports in
your account at https://www.google.com/adsense?hl=en_US.

For tips on optimizing your site for AdSense and increasing your ad
revenue, please visit https://www.google.com/adsense/faq-tech?hl=en_US.


* Once you have accrued $50 in AdSense for Content earnings, we'll mail
a Personal Identification Number to the mailing address you provided.
You'll need to enter this PIN into your Account Information page before
payment can be sent to you. In the meantime, you'll still be able to
show ads on your web pages, and will continue to accrue earnings.

* If Google has not yet crawled your site, you may not be able to see
relevant ads for a few hours. You may see public service ads (for which
you will not receive any earnings) displayed in the meantime.

* Website publishers, or a third party enlisted by the publisher, may
not, manually or through a robot, generate invalid clicks. Clicking on
ads on your own site will violate this policy, so please do not click
on the ads for any reason. We monitor all AdSense activity and disable
the account of any publisher violating this policy. For more
information, please review the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions at:

For additional questions, we suggest you visit our AdSense Support site
at https://www.google.com/support/adsense?hl=en_US. If you're unable to
find an answer to your question on our site, please feel free to email
us at adsense-support@google.com at any time.

Welcome to Google AdSense. We look forward to helping you unleash the
full potential of your website.


The Google AdSense Team
Sebaliknya bila permohonan Kamu tidak disetujui, Google akan meminta Kamu mengajukan situs yang lainnya dengan menyebutkan alasan tidak disetujuinya permohonan Kamu (Misalnya “Your Site is not in Supported Languange” dimana situs Kamu tidak dalam bahasa yang didukung oleh Google).
Bila situs atau Blog Kamu dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris dan memenuhi syarat2 yang di tuliskan diblog ini, maka Google pasti menerimanya.


Anonymous said…
nama saya wahid.
saya kok ndak bisa mendaftar di google adsense? padahal saya sudah mengisinya dengan benar.... saya juga sudah memverifikasinya... tapi waktu log-in, email saya tidak di terima... kenapa yah....??? sampai2 saya bikin banyak email... cara daftarnya gimana sih???
balas ke email saya saja...

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