
Showing posts from June, 2010

Bagaimana cara cepat sukses dapat profit menjual produk fisik secara online dengan sedikit atau tanpa biaya marketing sama sekali dan profit terus

Bisnis internet memang begitu banyak macamnya, dari yang namanya google adsense, adbrite, affiliasi amazon, affiliasi clickbank, ppc, ptR, CPC, product creation, penjualan produk fisik, jasa, dll; entah apapun itu namanya, pokoknya banyak deh yang namanya bisnis internet. Informasi di internet memang begitu banyak cara-cara ataupun panduan berbisnis internet, dan kebanyakan panduan yang ada adalah cara berbisnis lewat internet dengan berjualan produk2 digital informasi. Di internet memang begitu banyak informasi2 tersebut dan untuk kali ini saya akan menginformasikan sesuatu YANG BERBEDA ke temen temen semua tentang bagaimana cara CEPAT dapat profit dengan MENJUAL PRODUK FISIK secara online dengan sedikit atau tanpa biaya maketing sama sekali dan bagaimana mengotomatiskan bisnis anda tersebut sehingga tanpa kehadiran anda pun, bisnis anda tetap akan berjalan dan menghasilkan Profit. Mungkin temen2 ada yang bilang: waah apa ada mas dan bisa produk fisik saya jual lewat online tanpa keh...

7 lasting facts for SEO

Each time you change things, and the most noticeable change "... This is a little far from the functional approach in the search engine Optimasi start searching, but search engine Optimisation is relatively new field, a strong base of all your activities on the Internet, which games continue to change, but there are some who sing the same and always will remain very important, do not know anything about the type and number of competitors you have and your position in Google and other search engine giants, these terms play an important role in Optimasi search engine. Here we list 7 Search Engine Optimization "mantra" • The contents are the players here, now more and more motor user friendly, and they want what you want customers, and customer trends of the items that will make them some well-known, and the information is unique in its ability to perform and see the daily life and industry. Thus, the content is a big name in the game Optimasi search engine. • Every time w...

Google Nexus One a short guide

So everyone who has purchased a Google Nexus One of them was attacked by their new purchases. Why? Yes, there are several reasons for the popularity of ... Design - Nexus can be no doubt, the phone is quite slim. There is a wonderful display, which dominates the front of the phone. This is very thin - thin to iPhone 3Gs, even - and it feels good, though it is one of the lightest smartphones available. Overall, it is a phone that you will be pleased to hold in your hand. Speed - Snapdragon showed GHz CPU, which is the best of its kind, Nexus is one of the switch between pages without problems. Orientation softswitches, video and games without any difficulty. Main screen - Google completely renovated the main screen experience with the latest victim. It consists of five panels, widgets, and updated quickly, typically navigation systems. You can, for example, to get the latest news and weather reports, status updates on Facebook, and play music from your main screen. Camera - the first 5-...